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Your gateway to seamless Telegram Bot Development

Build Bots, Like A Boss

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What exactly is Televerse? ​

Televerse is a powerful, easy-to-use, and highly customizable Telegram bot framework built with Dart programming language. It provides a complete and well-structured API that enables developers to create and deploy complex Telegram bots with ease. Televerse provides a total of 0 dynamic types on its public interface, making it easy for developers to write strictly typed code.

How do I get started? ​

Building a simple bot is as simple as two steps.

1. Get Televerse ​

Add televerse to your pubspec.yaml file by running dart pub add televerse.

dart pub add televerse

2. Code your Bot ​

Get your bot ready in a few lines.

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:televerse/televerse.dart';

// Create the bot instance
final bot = Bot(Platform.environment["BOT_TOKEN"]!);

void main(List<String> args) async {
  // Handle the /start command
  bot.command("start", (ctx) async {
    await ctx.reply("Welcome to Televerse! πŸš€");

  // Start the bot
  await bot.start();

That's it, your bot should be running fine and listening to the /start command.

Televerse supports the latest Telegram Bot API - 7.10!